My Story
Chasing the Dream, not just Butterflies
I grew up in a mining town in the North West of England. I was lucky enough to grow up in the 70's in a street where everyone knew each other. There was a real sense of community.
Every year my family and I would visit Cornwall for our camping holiday. Often with another family who we had grown very close to.
Cornwall for me represents long summer days, fun and freedom. I have the most vivid memories of playing in sand dunes and catching crickets with my brother.
Now I'm fully grown (allegedly) I have four amazing children of my own. Two of whom are almost fully grown themselves!
I have had a variety of jobs, from retail management to teaching before starting up my own cafe.
It has always been my dream to be an author. I always felt I had these stories and characters within me that I needed to share.
I absolutely love my debut novel, Chasing Butterflies. I hope you do too.